Nov 28, 2018
Agnes hatches a plan and Barney gets roped in against his better judgement. Siobhan gets a visit from her friendly rival Peter.
Alex Lawther as Barney, Olga Amelia Silkina as Agnes, Charlie Vero-Martin as Siobhan, Connor Jones as the Head Collector, and Patrik Karlson as Peter
Writer and Director: Hillevi...
Nov 21, 2018
Agnes agrees to not run away from Barney, but it might come at a cost that he's not entirely comfortable with. Siobhan, with the head collector breathing down her neck, worries Barney might not be able to get the soul back.
Alex Lawther as Barney, Olga Amelia Silkina as Agnes, Charlie Vero-Martin as Siobhan,...
Nov 14, 2018
Barney finds the soul but instead of making his life easier it suddenly gets harder. The soul, a PI named Agnes, is not the kind of person who comes quietly just 'cause someone says so. Siobhan gets audited by her boss, the Head Collector.
Alex Lawther as Barney, Olga Amelia Silkina as Agnes, Charlie...
Nov 7, 2018
Barney's day starts out just like any other but it quickly deteriorates when a pesky soul goes missing from the waiting room. Siobhan gets notice of an unexpected visitor.
Alex Lawther as Barney, Olga Amelia Silkina as Agnes, Charlie Vero-Martin as Siobhan, Connor Jones as the Head Collector, and Patrik Karlson...
Nov 1, 2018
Ever wonder why London isn't overrun with ghosts? It's thanks to the hardworking ghouls at the London Necropolis Railway. Want to meet this ghastly crew? Tune in Nov 7 for the first episode of the LNR podcast starring Alex Lawther, Olga Amelia Silkina, and Charlie Vero-Martin.
Alex Lawther as Barney